14 Days of Prayer 2025

Movementchurchlc   -  

Thank you for joining us as we begin 2025 in prayer. Every day for the next 14 days, we encourage you to join us as we pray with focus for some big things to happen in our church and our world, believing with confidence that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or imagine.

If you’d like to join with us, our prayer schedule is listed below:

January 6: That we would be people who know God’s Word and know God through prayer.
January 7: That we would be people of strong community & relationships.
January 8: Pray for local, state and national government officials.
January 9: That we would be known as people of integrity.
January 10: That we would shine a light for Jesus by the way we love.
January 11: Pray for Movement’s Pastors for wisdom and strength.
January 12: That we would see healing & deliverance through our church.
January 13: Pray for Movement’s local and global ministry partners.
January 14: Pray for strong & thriving families in our church & city.
January 15: Pray for strong schools and teachers throughout Las Cruces.
January 16: That we would be effective in helping people know Jesus & grow as we follow Him.
January 17: For the establishment of Movement’s first permanent location as a church.
January 18: Pray for boldness as we influence & invite others for Christ.
January 19: Pray for open hearts to know Christ as Savior & Lord.

Thank you for praying with us. If there’s a way we can pray for you, please let us know by e-mail at info@mvmnt.church

God bless.